practice areas

Legal & Mediation


No one wants to go through a divorce, but our goal is to get you through this difficult process as smoothly as possible.

Child Support

We can help you establish or modify child support or defend you if a child support action has been filed against you.

 LGBT issues

Members of the LGBT community face unique issues in our society. We can help protect your rights or legally establish your family.

Child Custody

There is nothing more important in life than your children. We want to help you create a parenting plan that fits the needs of your individual children.

Adoption & SURROGACY

Families are created in a multitude of ways. We are passionate about helping people create their family's own special story.

wills & estate planning

Death is not easy to think about, but it is so important to plan for your family's future. We can draw up your will, living will, and power of attorney.


Ms. Zipper is a certified Rule 31 Listed Family Mediator, mediating cases with and without attorneys.


Fatherhood is not always simple. We can help you establish your rights as a father or protect you against false claims of paternity.


If you have received an unfavorable result in the courtroom, we may be able to help you appeal that decision, even if we did not represent you at trial.